What are Penalties for a Labor Day DUI in Pennsylvania?

dui pennsylvania

In honor of the unofficial end of summer, you decided to celebrate this Labor Day with a passion. Very likely, that celebration involved the imbibing of alcoholic beverages or, in some cases, other intoxicating substances. Unfortunately, you then decided to end that celebration by getting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle and, as luck would have it, a police officer pulled you over. If you face charges for a DUI on Labor Day, you should expect Pennsylvania law enforcement to work very hard to penalize you for your alleged actions. For more information on what the penalties are for a Labor Day DUI in Pennsylvania, please continue reading, then contact an experienced Pittsburgh first DUI lawyer today.

Do I need a Pittsburgh lawyer for a Labor Day DUI?

To be sure, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania does not require individuals arrested and charged with driving under the influence to have a lawyer appear with them in court or provide them with legal representation. However, individuals in that position will most likely be unprepared for the onslaught unleashed by the prosecutor, especially if they are not familiar with their rights and responsibilities in regard to this proceeding. Therefore, it is advisable that all those charged with a DUI should avail themselves of a skilled Allegheny County DUI lawyer.

What penalties do you face for a Labor Day DUI in Pennsylvania?

Needless to say, the penalties for a Labor Day DUI are just as severe as those committed on any other day of the year. In this Commonwealth, defendants receive penalties based on the number of times, if any, they have previously committed this offense and their level of intoxication at the time of their arrest. Assuming this is your first offense, you will face the following penalties:

General Impairment (BAC between 0.08 and 0.099 percent):

  • An ungraded misdemeanor
  • Mandatory six months of probation
  • A potential fine of up to $300
  • Mandatory participation in and completion of alcohol highway safety school
  • Potential court-ordered treatment

High BAC (BAC between .10 and .15 percent):

  • Between forty-eight hours and six months of incarceration
  • Mandatory participation in and completion of alcohol highway safety school
  • A twelve-month license suspension
  • One year with the ignition interlock device
  • A potential fine of up to $5,000

Highest BAC (BAC of 0.16 percent or higher):

  • Between seventy-two hours and six months of incarceration
  • A potential fine of up to $5,000
  • A twelve-month license suspension
  • One year with the ignition interlock device
  • A full Drug and Alcohol Assessment
  • Mandatory participation in and completion of alcohol highway safety school

Our firm is here to help you if you face charges for a Labor Day DUI.

Contact Our Pittsburgh DUI Lawyer

If you are facing a DUI charge, contact The Law Offices of Natalie Snyder to schedule your free initial consultation.

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